3/4 : c Hot water
1/2 : c Molasses
1/4 : c Milk
2 : c Whole-wheat flour
1 : c All-purpose flour
2/3 : c Sugar
3 : tb Baking powder
1 : ts Baking soda
1/2 : ts Salt
1 : /2 c Pecans; chopped
10 : -(up to)
15 : Dried black mushrooms
1 : (3-lb) chicken
Soy : Soy sauce
4 : Or
5 : sl Fresh ginger root
1 : Bamboo shoot
4 : Water chestnuts
2 : Scallion stalks
Oil : Oil for deep-frying
2 : tb Oil
1/2 : ts Salt
2 : 1/ c Water
1/2 : ts Sugar
1 : ds Pepper
2 : ts Cornstarch
3 : tb Water
0: Mix egg, beaten, with sugar, milk, and chopped black walnuts; then blend in flour mixed with baking powder, salt and cinnamon
1: Spoon batter into a buttered bread pan and let stand 20 minutes before baking for one hour in a slow oven (325 F
2: )
3: [Recipe can be used for other nut breads
4: ] Posted to EAT-L Digest 8 October 96 Date: Wed, 9 Oct 1996 03:44:25 -0500 From: LD Goss <ldgoss@METRONET
5: COM>