Quiche Pastry recipe

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Servings: 1 Pastry
Prep time: None None
Cooking time: None None



1 : md Eggplant; approximately lb

1 : ts Lemon juice

1 : ts ;salt

1/8 : ts Black pepper

1/4 : c Onion; minced

1/4 : c Green pepper; minced


0: Place the flour, salt, butter and shortening in a large bowl

1: Rub the flour and fat together until the fat is broken into pieces the size of oatmeal flakes

2: Don't over-blend

3: Using a pastry knife, add the ice water, a little at a time, mixing until it just starts to hold together

4: Press the dough into a roughly shaped ball

5: Knead it briefly into a fairly smooth ball, then sprinkle lightly with flour and wrap in a sheet of waxed paper

6: Chill 1-2 hours in the refrigerator

7: When ready to roll, sprinkle work surface and rolling pin with flour and roll the pastry out into a circle 1/8" to 1/4" thick

8: Butter a 9" pie tin

9: Place the crust in the pan and press gently to line the inside

10: Crimp edges

11: To partially bake the shell, line the pastry with buttered, lightweight foil

12: Fill the center with dry beans or rice

13: Bake in the middle level of a preheated 400øF for about 8-9 minutes or until the pastry seems set

14: Remove foil and beans, prick bottom of the pastry with a fork, and return to oven for 2-3 minutes

15: Source: Medford Mail Tribune Typed by Katherine Smith Kook-Net: The Shadow Zone IV - Stinson Beach, CA From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at www

16: synapse

17: com/~gemini

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