3/4 : c Water
3 : c Bread flour
1 : /2 tb Dry milk
1 : ts Salt
1 : /2 tb Butter
3/4 : c Lemon Yogurt
2 : tb Honey
1/2 : c Almonds, toasted & sliced
1 : tb Lemon peel
3 : tb Poppy seeds
2 : ts Lemon extract
2 : ts Yeast
24: Heat oven to 375 F
0: Makes 1 loaf Combine 1/4 cup of the water, 1 tablespoon of the granulated sugar and yeast
1: Stir to dissolve yeast and let stand unitl bubbly, about 5 minutes
2: Stir in egg
3: Fit processor with steel blade
4: Measure almonds, candied fruit and raisins into work bowl
5: Process on/off 3 or 4 times until mixture is coarsely chopped
6: Remove from work bowl and reserve
7: Place remaining granulated sugar and lemon rind in work bowl
8: Process until rind is minced, 1 to 2 minutes
9: Add flour, butter and salt to sugar mixture
10: Process until mixed, about 5 minutes
11: Turn on processor and gradually drizzle yeast mixture through feed tube into flour mixture
12: Drizzle just enough of the remaining water into flour mixture so dough forms a ball that cleans the sides of the bowl
13: Process until dough turns around the bowl about 25 times
14: Turn off processor and let dough stand 1 to 2 minutes
15: Turn on processor and very slowly drizzle in enough remaining water to make dough soft, smooth and satiny but not sticky
16: Process until dough turns around bowl about 15 times
17: Sprinkle nut-fruit mixture evenly over dough
18: Process on/off just until mixed
19: Turn dough onto large greased cookie sheet
20: Shape into a ball
21: Cover with inverted bowl or plastic wrap and let stand 20 - 30 minutes
22: Roll out to an 8-inch circle
23: Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let stand in warm place until doubled, about 45 minutes
25: Uncover loaf and bake until evenly brown, 25 - 30 minutes
26: Remove bread from cookie sheet and place on wire rack
27: Blend powdered sugar, vanilla and enough milk to make a smooth mixture thick enough to spread
28: Spread over bread
29: Food Processor Bread Book From the collection of Jim Vorheis From Gemini's MASSIVE MealMaster collection at www
30: synapse
31: com/~gemini