3/4 : c Water
3 : c Bread flour
1 : /2 tb Dry milk
1 : ts Salt
1 : /2 tb Butter
3/4 : c Lemon Yogurt
2 : tb Honey
1/2 : c Almonds, toasted & sliced
1 : tb Lemon peel
3 : tb Poppy seeds
2 : ts Lemon extract
2 : ts Yeast
0: Bring all ingredients to room temperature and pour into bakery, in order
1: Set "baking control" at 10 o'clock
2: Select "white bread" and push Start
3: In hot & humid weather, use 1/8 c less water
4: Sweet but not cloying and slightly tart, this is good beach food or porch food
5: If you slice and wrap the bread in your beach towel before you leave home, there will be no paper or plastic wrapper to add to the trash on the beach
6: Just shake out the crumbs before you dry off
7: Tested in DAK R2D2
8: Sylvia's comments: MM typos by Sylvia Steiger, GEnie THE
9: STEIGERS, CI$ 71511,2253, Internet sylvia
10: steiger@lunatic
11: com, moderator of GT Cookbook and PlanoNet Lowfat & Luscious echoes